Sunday, May 01, 2005

a post a day? shut your mouth

I have decided to try posting an update once a day a least for your enjoyment. Also, it will make it easier for me to write things rather than waiting a week and trying to include everything. I do however expect continuos comments from my loyal readers so that I know you still exist. Write anything, it doesn't have to be witty. See Allison's comments for example.

I don't think many of you knew but Rachel and I misplaced her camra charger so we haven't been able to take many pictures since christmas. Well, the other day I looked in the same spot we already had many times over and oops, it was there. Anyway, I plan on taking many more pictures than in the past so that it will be worth having a picture link. Also, with the upcoming summer vacation to Las Vegas, there will be many more picture necessary moments. Hope everyone is having a good time.


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