Monday, November 20, 2006


I have about 5 minutes to dedicate my short attention span to for a new post. Things are going crazy planning for the upcoming move. We are going up to Flagstaff tomorrow to try and finalize our housing situation. Also, I am getting excited about Thanksgiving. It will be the first time I have flown in a long time and it will feel like a true vacation.

It may dissapoint some but I was thinking the other day that it may be time I stop hating the Diamonbacks. I don't think I will be their number one fan but I don't think I will cringe when they win either. Most if not all the reasons I hated them are gone now. Here is the list of those who are now just bad memories: Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling, Gonzo, Counsel, Jay Bell, Thom Brenneman (which is huge because I really disliked him) and now, the ugly purple, teal and copper have given way to Sedona Red and Sonoran Sand. Every decision I have made as a baseball fan has been with my gut so we will see how I feel opening day.