Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Word Vomit

I am back in a rut. Soon after taking a two month hiatus from writing anything, I am at a loss. I seem to have nothing to write about. Because I am to scared to face the wrath of my loyal groupies (oh, but you mean so much more to me than that), here is my latest idea: word vomit. The following will be a random spew of nonsense blurbs having no real redeeming value.

Let us begin:

Green Day's America Idiot CD is great. NIP/TUCK is enjoyable. Embarrassingly enough so is Simple Life Interns. Sadly, prime time MTV is amusing as well. Organized religion and its practitioners have the uncanny ability to drive me up the wall. George W. still sucks. College is draining. People never stop and think. EVER. The mountains between Las Vegas and Flagstaff are beautiful. My new Van's are fun and comfortable. I am addicted to baseball. Snow is depressing. Spring is hopeful. Sweaters over collared shirts = stylish warmth. Smoking is a habit that will forever confuse me. Transfats are in everything. Midori Sours get a thumbs up; wine a thumbs down. When people look at Flagstaff they see beauty while I see cheap motels and mud EVERYWHERE. I am addicted to baseball blogs. I want to be on a softball team. It makes me sad that the last Simpson's had a "viewer discretion advised" warning because it's topic was homosexuality. I would write a book if I had anything to say. I still lack motivation. I want to run on the beach. My apartments are attempting to rip us off. Sideways was overrated. I feel I need a hobby when in all actuality I just need to concentrate on school. I wish I had carpentry skills. I want to be married and working already. Pit Bull puppies can be adorable. Smokey, my hamster, is making me nuts. Kirk and Candace Cameron are two people I never want to meet. Their heaven = my hell. NAU is headed in the wrong direction and charging more... and I want a picture phone.


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