Wednesday, April 12, 2006

you think you know a guy

It's a good idea never to bring politics into anything you otherwise enjoy. As you all should know, I am a Mets fan. Tuesday, they played opening night at RFK (Home of the Nationals) in D.C. with Dick Cheney throwing the ceremonial first pitch.

The fact the majority of the audience booed (for good reason) resulted in a couple of news articles covering the event the following day. These articles included the opinions of some of my favorite Mets players past and present. Here is what was said about Mike Piazza, former Met catcher and former favorite player, and Al Leiter former Met pitcher and eternal loser:

The Mets' clubhouse recently had been a Republican stronghold, with Al Leiter an aspiring GOP politician and Mike Piazza last year referring to Rush Limbaugh as "American royalty."
No, no, not Rush Limbaugh. Whatever, they aren't on the team right? Well, new Mets golden boy often referred to as "the chosen one" (by Met’s fans) had this to say.
New York third baseman David Wright said he was thrilled to meet Cheney and shrugged off the booing. "When you've got 50 percent of America that's Republican, 50 percent that's Democrat, you're probably going to get mixed reviews," Wright said.

Thrilled? At least not AS bad. There is hope for some. Carlos Delgado is the Mets new 1st basemen and has been known for his opposition to the Iraq war and was criticized for sitting on the bench during "God Bless America" while a member of the Blue Jays. The articles stated this about him:
Carlos Delgado's opposition to U.S. military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan are well documented. But the first baseman took a tactful approach when Dick Cheney visited the Mets' clubhouse yesterday, before the VP tossed out the ceremonial first pitch at the Nationals' home opener. Delgado conveniently got busy with pregame preparations as his teammates posed for a picture with Cheney. "I was doing my routine," Delgado said with a smile. "I happened to be somewhere else. Go figure."
You're a class act Carlos. Some other hopeful signs:
Cliff Floyd identified himself as a Democrat and Xavier Nady said he grew up in a Democratic household. Nady had the VP sign a bat, but later joked: "I'll probably use it tomorrow. It depends how many I go through."

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