Monday, July 18, 2005

ignorance is bliss? ya got that right

I have been confronted with many big ideas lately. Pondering life's big questions has left me with what I will call a spiritual hangover. Rachel and I sometimes talk about the often tried questions of, why we are here and what purpose do we serve. It seems the theme of my life lately is to find a balance for all things, spirituality being one of them. Some people may call it non-committal or "fence-sitting" but I can’t put all my stock into science or strictly religion. We rented "What the "Bleep" Do We Know" yesterday, a movie about quantum physics and a bunch of other things I don't quite understand. Spirituality has been a hot topic on my mind the last couple of years and it has been constantly evolving. I can't believe Jesus was the literal son of God anymore than the rest of us are just because I have been told to believe that. I don't know what God is at all. I also don't believe in Heaven and Hell in a traditional sense anyway. It's all to storybook for me. I don't think my spirituality will be shaped upon a system of punishments and rewards either. I have repeated time and time again that if some religions are right then their Heaven sounds an awful like what I imagined Hell to be. However, deep down in what can only be described as my "soul", I feel that there is something bigger. This feeling isn't for self preservation so that I don't have to succumb to the fear that there may be no God. I really do feel that there is something larger than I can comprehend. I also believe that some of the teachings in the Bible and other writings offer positive life lessons regardless of calling it the word of God. I look at Rachel and truly believe that are love is meant to last far longer than our bodies. To make myself clear, I have feelings, sometimes strong feelings which can lead to beliefs which then lead to faith. However, I will never be able to make guarantees about any of life's great mysteries or even tell anyone that my way is the right way because my way, my beliefs and my spirituality are just that, mine.

Sometimes it is good for me to write these things down. It causes me to really think about how I feel. What better place to do than then here for all to see. This post was meant for me to simply write out what I have been thinking about and is no way meant to preach or cause unrest. (I really couldn’t resist putting a disclaimer at the end. I love disclaimers).


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