Tuesday, June 21, 2005

what is there to say

I have nothing to say. That is why I have not posted in awhile. That is why, when I talk to you on the phone, I am quiet. I have no idea why but I have nothing to say. I don't think I have adjusted. I keep busy with summer school but I think what is lacking is human interaction. In college, you are constantly around people. At home, in class, everywhere there are people. The minute Rachel walks in from work I am happier and when the rest of her family comes home I am happier but from 8:00am to 1:00pm I am lost. In result, the unthinkable is happening: I miss Flagstaff. It has nothing to do with Las Vegas or Rachel's family. I enjoy my time here, and I am having a lot of fun with her family. It's something hard to explain. I miss our friends, our Safeway, our restaurants, our furniture, our town, our school, our parks, our everything. The rediculous thing is that I know two weeks into being back I will miss Las Vegas and the people here and continue to miss Phoenix while constantly complaining about how terrible Flagstaff is. I thought this summer, my free time would be good to spend on improving myself. I would have time to do homework, eat right, and exercise but I am finding that these are things easier to accomplish when the rest of your life is busy. Anyhow, I don't mean to complain because the majority of my time is spent having fun and enjoying my summer break. Of course, the selfish nature of people is to concentrate on whats going wrong rather then to appreciate all that's right their life.


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